Friday, February 24, 2012

700 likes and I thank YOU!!!!!!!

There is no better way to show my appreciation to my loves than to share with you guys one of my favorite obsessions......EARRINGS!!!!!! PLEASE FOLLOW ALL THE DIRECTIONS LISTED BELOW IN ORDER TO BE ENTERED IN THE GIVE AWAY! A pair of Ty the Jewelry Lady's specialty earrings will be given to one lucky winner!!!

Just follow the directions below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

  1. Make sure you "LIKE" Live, Luv, Natural. Stop by and say hi! I would love to hear from you!
  2. Go by Ty the Jewelry Lady's fan page and press like! Be certain to tell her LLN sent you! ;)
  3. Go to and follow my blog! I tried to make it as easy as possible to follow.
  4. Leave a comment and say "Hi"! Let me know you were there and you are following the blog! =)
For bonus entries:
  • Invite friends to "LIKE" Live, Luv, Natural and write your name on the wall!

Fine Print
Contest is only open to residents of the continental US. Winners will be notified via Facebook. WInner will have 48 hours to resopnd with address. If winner fails to do so they forfeit their prize and the prize will go to another winner. Participants MUSt satisfy all requirements in order to be entered in the giveaway.

Happy sharing!

And thank you all again for all your support and LOVE!

Luv Latrice