Saturday, February 4, 2012

Somethings on my chest.....and I'm not talking about titties!

Lately I have been a let's be honest....EXTREMELY frustrated with my people! Yes my people! Blacks, African Americans, niccuhs, whatever you choose to call the strong and beautiful African American race.  I have seen and experienced too many things that makes me ashamed of the people I love soooooo much. 

Let me start off by saying I LOVE MY RACE! I truly do.  We have so much potential and have accomplished great things over the years.  Life is easier today because of the inventions of African Americans.  We are a beautiful people that have a lot to be proud about.  We should carry our heritage around like a crown of glory demanding and giving respect where it's due.

The things I see and hear from women, Black women saddens my heart to no end.  When has it ever been acceptable to share a man?  When has it been okay to sleep with married men?  At what point has it been acceptable to sell ourselves short of anything other than the awesome creation that God has made?  My grandmother married at 18 and had her first child at 19.  By the time she was 25 she was widowed with 5 kids.  I spent a great deal with my grandmother coming up.  So much time that I was convinced I lived with her for years.  NEVER have my grandmother had a man around me.  NEVER! I mean she had to have boyfriends right?  She had another child 8 years after her husband's death.  I said that to say that my grandmother had a certain set of standards and I admire that.  I learned how to look, smell, act and be a lady from my grandmother. I love her to life!

My biggest disappointment doesn't just lie within the women.  But also the business leaders and people who are in positions to better our youth.  We have to realize the value of our babies.  They are the future leaders of the world.  We have to invest more in them than what we are doing now.  They will decide our retirement!  They will decide whether or not we receive health care or funding to keep the rest home open we may live in our old age.  I see so many organizations that are meant to help uplift the community ran by African Americans.  Instead of providing our babies with the best we try and figure out how to cut cost and put an extra dollar in our pocket.  We have to understand that if we have no respect for our one will.  If we don't invest in ourselves.....who will?

This is not just a my problem or you's an US problem.  We MUST invest in our youth.......otherwise we will continue to be America's stereotype!

It takes more than just one.

It takes US!

Luv Latrice <3


  1. Yes so true. If only others could see what we do. We are creating horrible examples for our children. Standers and expectations for our children education are getting worse and worse. Keep up the good work!

  2. Thank you! As an educator I take my job seriously to shape the minds of our youth and build a strong foundation for them to be leaders in the community.
