Monday, February 13, 2012

Whitney Elizabeth Houston

When I heard of Whitney's death I was leaving the mall....I had just got into my car and checked Twitter while my car was warming up.  I was stunned.....immediately a lump rose in my throat and I said to myself "This can't be true".  Twitter kill people at least 20 times a day so this CAN'T.....I CAN'T.

I checked Facebook, I checked my was true.  The world has lost one of the most influential woman in musical history.  My heart ached for the mother (Cissy Houston) that lost her baby, my soul mourns for the child (Bobby Kristina) who lost her mother.  My tears flow for the lost of myself and the rest of her fans.

Two people you can not talk bad to me about is my Michael and my Whitney.  I love Whitney Elizabeth Houston.  My mom had her albums on tape and I would listen to them on my karaoke machine while singing along.  I remember playing "singers" with my aunt I would pick Whitney songs to sing.  I wanted to be like her....although I couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.  Her hair, her style, her voice.  I will miss her but I thank God that her music is timeless and will live forever....

What saddens me isn't her death, but the fact that she did not get a chance to hear all these wonderful things so many people have to say.  My loves I beg you, give your loved ones their flowers while they are living...they can't smell them when they're dead.  Just a week ago people had so much negative to say about Whitney and now because she is gone they want to shower her with praises.  We have to learn to support each other and even in our down time we must learn how to carry each other rather than push each other down.

So my tribute to favorite song of hers (if I could sing it I would)


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