Saturday, December 31, 2011

OOOOOooooooo Baby Luv!!

I was soooooooo excited to do this post! I get overly excited about anything to do with natural hair, but I get ecstatic about little girl's natural hair!  I am a big advocate for anything that will cut the time in half I spend doing my daughter's hair.  I mean I have tried EVERYTHING to ease HER pain and mine.  I have tried detanglers, conditioners, shampoos, all in ones (the conditioning, detangling shampoo...yea) and everything in between.  NOTHING seems to quicken the process or meet my expectations for my princess's hair.  Every two weeks we battle with a shampoo, conditioning and detangling session that spans two days!!!!!! On the first day I will take out her hair style, shampoo her hair, condition her hair and then detangle her hair.  The next day I would proceed to style.  A daunting task I may say!!!

So while mixing stuff in my kitchen for my own naps....teeheehee....I began to think about the needs for my princess's hair.Okay 1) Princess's hair tangles badly! 2) her hair is so dry!  I decided to mix an avocado deep conditioner treatment for my little one's tangled tresses to combat some of the issues I have to deal with when doing her hair......the recipe is below:

  • 1 RIPE avocado (please make sure it is ripe or you will be picking avocado out of your hair for HOURS!!) (power food for so many reasons...awesome detangler, softens hair and makes hair more manageable)
  • 1 cup of coconut milk (great for moisture, managing hair and hair growth)
  • 2tbsp of shea butter (great for moisture)
  • 1/3 cup of honey (great humectant and conditioner.  Helps hair holds moisture)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil (great for shine, improves hair strength and elasticity)
I put all the ingredients into a blender and mixed away! Make sure you blend it really well and that your avocado is soft and ripe.  If it is not you will get a chunky consistency instead of a creamy one.  After I mixed it I set it to the side until it was ready to be used.

When doing treatments I always start with clean hair (it's my personal preference) so before I start I always shampoo the hair.  I recently start using Shea moisture products and I love THEM!!!!!  You can get them at Target and Walgreens for the best prices!! One of the two are always having a sale! :)  After the argument of many washes..... how long was it gonna take...did I HAVE to wash her hair TODAY....I shampooed her hair with Shea Moisture moisture retention shampoo.  During this time I also put the tools I will use on her hair in the sink to be cleaned as I'm cleaning her hair.  NEVER USE DIRTY TOOLS ON CLEAN HAIR!!!!

After one shampoo I blotted her hair with a towel to absorb the excess water.  Don't rub hard....remember our hair is delicate.  I then applied the mixture to her hair as I detangled with a W   I   D   E   tooth comb.  I use one similar to this one

I got it from the local beauty supply store for like 99cents.  After I applied the mixture to her hair I put a plastic cap on it and allowed it to sit for about an hour.  The only way I could convince her is to keep the cap on is to tell her that her hair will turn green....*shrug*. 

As I rinsed her hair out I noticed she had bits of avocado left in her hair.  (The above picture is from me applying  the mixture).  I tried to come the bits of avocado out but I was unsuccessful at getting it completely out.  I used Juicy leave in as her leave in conditioner (my daughter HATES multiple washes).  This is an awesome leave in I use on my own hair and it results in beautiful, moisturized twist outs and braid outs.  You can check it out here (  I then began the daunting task of detangling it.  To my surprise the comb slid through with ease and a minimal of tears! Her hair was so soft and manageable, shiny and just.....PURRRTY!  I then started to style it (she requested braids).  Her hair was so pretty I didn't want to braid it.  So I braided the back and twisted the front into pony tails.  When it tried I took a picture and was SHOCKED at the results!!!!!

OOOOOOoooooo Baby Luv!

Now please don't be afraid to use this on your hair.  I use the same recipe and add egg for added protein.  Don't use this recipe if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.  Have fun mixing!!!!

Luv Latrice 


  1. Does your advocado recipe heed good results for extreme dry scalp?

  2. How do you know if avocado is ripe?

  3. @Longlocz....I'm going to be honest with you, I have never used it to treat a dry scalp. What I do know is coconut milk alone is awesome on a dry scalp. Take the pure cocnut milk (you can find it in the grocery if possible) and massage it into your scalp. I'm assuming since the other ingredients in the deep conditioner is good for moisturization, then it should work well on dry scalp. If you try it please post your results and let us know how it works for you :)

    @Alexis....GOOD QUESTION!!!! LOL! I wish I would have researched this BEFORE my trip to the grocery store. There are two types of avocado that I have used..haas avacodo (with the dark bumpy skin) and ocoa avacoda (medium green smooth skin). The way you tell if they are ripe is to press them. It should have a firmess similar to your nose. It should give a little but not too much. If it is too may be rotten. If it is too hard it may not be ripe. If it isn't ripe you can put it in a paper bag for a day or so to speed up the process or simply let it sit in your window sill for a few days. Hope that helps!

    Thanks ladies for your feedback!

    Luv Latrice

  4. Ok... that look on your baby's face in that first picture is priceless! LOL
    Glad you had such great results.

  5. She is something else!!!! She HATES to get her hair washed! I did her hair Monday and did not use the conditioner and she HOLLERED!!!! Her hair was so tangled! It is great for detangling!
