Thursday, December 29, 2011

My DYE-saster....dun dun dun dunnnnn!!!!

With the seasons changing I wanted to do something different to my hair. Every lady goes through a plateau moment where they are bored with their hair. I wanted to color my tresses to a warm brown. Nothing to drastic but enough to bring some excitement to salt and pepper fro. I wore micros for about 2 months and decided to color immediately after. First I could not help but to take a pic of my fabulous fro being it grew sooooo muchin the braids:

Luv flower accessories, I make some myself :)


Well the day after I went to my stylist to get my hair colored and blown out. This would be only my second blow out EVER! So I was stoked! To say the least. When I left her shop I looked and felt fabulous!!!

Two weeks later when I washed my hair what I was left with brought me to tears!!!!

I couldn't believe that my sexy fro was ruined because I was BORED!!!!!! After I dried my tears, and put on my big girl panties, I contacted my stylist who offered to perform free protein treatments in hopes that it would revert back. Well I just wanted to cut it off and start over!!! I have been natural since October 2009 (yes I relaxed after my first BC...bad bad girl!) and it took a long time to grow the length I wanted. I couldn't believe it. I took my stylist advice and had one protein treatment in the shop done. But as most of you natural gurlies know, all products aren't beneficial for our naps!

At home I washed my hair and settled on transitioning from straight hair to my textured tresses!! I googled protein treatments and found one that was the!!!!! I found it off of newly natural blog ( ) I used fat free yogurt because that was all I could find. I also added a few drops of essential oils (found at whole foods) to combat the mayo smell......(gag!!).

I applied the mixture to my hair in sections as I would if I was applying relaxer.

Applied to hair it may run and that's okay. Keep a towel handy :)

Cover with a plastic cap. I kept it on for an hour while I cleaned around the house. My hair behaves well with protein. If you are trying this for the first time I would try processing for 20 minutes so you can see what affect protein has on your hair.

After I rinsed the mixture out of my hair I applied a commercial deep conditioner and cap and left it on for about 2 hours. I tend to DC for long periods of time sometimes even over night if its my honey mixture (2/3 extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), 1/3 honey). After Protein treatment and DC my results were okay! All of my hair did not curl and my kinks did not reappear but I was left with some nice curls :)

My advice for any naturals who want to color is to use an all natural dye. Whole Foods have natural dyes that does not harm your hair (I tried them and they're really good). Do not shock your hair as I did with two drastic treatments at once. Because I performed two process on my hair at once I am unsure about which process ruined my curl pattern. And whatever your curl pattern is (non-existent, kinks, tight coils, loose curls) embrace it!!! Never thought I would miss my fresh off the boat kinks!!


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